Recent Statewide eBird Sightings


South Central South Dakota Birding Sites

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The South Central region includes a large prairie with two outstanding hotspots: Badlands National Park and lacreek National Wildlife Refuge. The Badlands NP is just south of I-90 and a great place to find bird species of mixed and shortgrass prairies such as Burrowing Owls, Long-billed Curlew, Black-billed Magpie, White-throated Swift, and Lark Bunting. Lacreek NWR is just north of the Nebraska Sandhills and comprises a a variety of habitats including grasslands, wet meadows, marshes, and ponds. Trumpeter Swans and other waterfowl plus in migration a variety of shorebirds and passerines. Burrowing Owl and East Meadowlark are also regularly observed.
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Badlands National Park - Jackson Co. Lacreek NWR - Bennett Co.