Order SDOU Merchandise SDOU Field Checklists SDOU Checklists of South Dakota Birds may be directly printed out on 8 1/2" X 14" paper from this site - print our field checklist. For 8 1/2 by 11, set your printer to "Fit to printable area", and if your printer is capable of printing on both sides, set for that also. No. of Decal Sets (2 per vehicle) Numbers Only SDOU License Plate Decals SDOU decals for SD organizational automobile license plates are available for $10 per pair plus $1 postage and handling. These support and promote SDOU. Organizational license plates cost the same as regular plates if ordered for a new car or at the time everyone must replace their plates. At other times, organizational plates may be ordered as replacements from SD- DMV for a $10 fee additional to the regular registration fee. See Emblem Plates for Organizations. No. of Books Numbers Only Birder's Guide to South Dakota - $24 (tax & postage included) NEW BOOK: Birder's Guide to South Dakota - A guide to birding locations and birds in South Dakota. The book covers the variety of habitats in the state, ranging from pine and spruce forests of the Black Hills and open mixed-grass prairies in the west to large reservoirs on the Missouri River to eastern deciduous forest outposts and remnant tallgrass prairies in far eastern regions. Over 420 species of birds have been documented in South Dakota. This book aims to introduce birders to the rich habitats that South Dakota has to offer and their associated birds. Over 100 of the best birding sites in the state are mapped and described in the book, along with specifics on the habitats and birds that occur at each of these sites. No. of Patches Numbers Only SDOU Patch - $3 Select Color Forest Green Navy Select Size Clear Shirt Order SDOU T-shirts - $20 postage paid Calculate Total Please calculate your total First Name Required Last Name Required Address Required City Required State (2 char) Required Zip Required Email Required Email is not in the correct format Contact Treasurer for Other Payment Methods